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by Anthony Summers

Here’s another book that debunks the theory that Marilyn Monroe overdose, it gives accurate facts, photographs of the comings and goings of the people in her life, and I was like I wanted to take her down. Monroe is synonymous with the Kennedys, and it shows a link between the two it was not as cut and dry as people think in this book indicates that Marilyn was murdered it’s interesting to read as I’ve read several books on Maryland, and most of the books lead you to the same conclusion

Jfk Revisited
by James DiEugenio

This books brings to light all the things that the commission the government police didn’t want you to know about the assassination of JFK. I was very impressed with this book, and I was very angry with the government when I found out that they had the smallest detail which could make their story less pliable to the one they gave the world if you’re wondering what really happened read the book it’s an eye-opener

Murder, She Wrote: Domestic Malice
by Jessica Fletcher

Always enjoy the hijinks of Jessica Fisher and the gang. Jessica always seems to step right into murder, but she also seems to solve it before anyone else. I love this year is and I will continue to read them.

Supernatural: War Of The Sons
by Rebecca Dessertine

Wasn’t the best supernatural book I’ve written, although I love Sam and dean this book just didn’t fit in with the series as the other books kind of go along with the TV show

All The Beauty In The World
by Patrick Bringley

Easy read-can pick up and read a chapter without losing story thread-love art links provided.

We Were Liars
by E. Lockhart

The writing was well done, but I didn’t really connect with the characters. I normally love a rich kid story, but these kids just had no personality. The big reveal at the end was pretty cool though.

Once Upon A Dream: A Twisted Tale
by Liz Braswell

I enjoyed the church details of once upon a dream is a new take on Queen maleficent in sleeping beauty. I found it to be enjoyable, and I really like how the story was turned around.

Neon Angel
by Cherie Currie

I found this book to be very interesting, and gave true fact about the rubber band, the runaways, and everything they went through to become famous. And the personal struggles of Cherie Currie

Knit purl murder
by Layla Lockwood

If you like, reading little comical stories about talking cats, garden, gnomes, and which is who own a knitting shop,

The Wizard Of Oz
by L. Frank Baum

Love the original version right down to the silver shoes if you want to know what the movie left out it’s in the original book
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